Monday 1 September 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 5

Monday 1st September 2014

Day 5 
Do you believe nature (biology/physiology), nurture (environment), a mix, or something else has an impact on mental health?

To be honest I think there is a mix of both.  Kings College in London are currently looking into anorexia called the "Charlotte's Helix" to see if there is any common links between those who do have illness.  I sent off my interest in taking part, got my letter through over the weekend to see if I still want to be part of it and have emailed them back to say I'm still interested.

There is then a nurture, it's not necessarily how my parents brought me up I see it more of other influences such as school and general growing up.  I was a very sensitive child (which is now a link to BPD) and really struggled with my peers at school.

Outside influences I think have a major part, bullying has had a massive impact on my mental health, from a young age I've practically been told that I'm not good enough, I was to fat, I was to quiet etc etc, and I think after a while when you've been told that so many times it knocks any confidence down and if you are more likely to suffer from a mental health problem (looking at biology) then of course something has to give.

It is an interesting question and I know many people will have a massive difference of opinion in what causes mental health issues.

Rach x

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