Tuesday 23 September 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 26

Tuesday 23rd September 2014

Day 26
How is your day-to-day life effected by your mental illness(es)?

It depends on how my mood is.  Some days I can be fine and things don't really affected me, which means I can process things a lot easier, sort of keep on top of my emotions.

I think on a bad day or if I'm having an episode as such - things seems really strange.  Best way I can describe it is being in a bubble or when you see on a film someone standing still and the rest of the world whizzing on by in super fast motion.

I don't trust myself and what ever I think doesn't feel right.  Sometimes I can't notice when I'm slipping which for me is when things are scary, when I need someone to pull me aside and say something.

I hate hating myself, I hate wanting to be someone else and I hate the thoughts which I get or things which come into my head. I think what gets to me more is when I can't handle something or worry that people will be scared or are freaked out by what I do have to say.

You can live a life with mental health issues but what I've learnt is that I have to be honest if something is triggering me, or I'm starting to not feel right.  Everyone copes differently, what I think is "normal" if I was to say it out loud may receive some funny looks.

Rach x

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