Monday 15 September 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 19

Monday 15th September 2014

Day 19
Have you ever read a self-help book or a book related to psychology?  What is your opinion on them?  If you have read them do you have a favourite?

I've never really read a self-help book as such, what I've found more beneficial is reading other people's journeys.  It seems to sink in more when I'm struggling that someone else has experienced something similar and has found a way out of it.

I know my mum has read loads and she seemed to swap them with the other parents she made friends with along the way.  I'm surprised my mum hasn't done one yet with Wendy (one of her closest friends who she met while I was poorly - I suppose one good thing that came from a shitty situation for my mum)

Through doing my degree at the moment I always seem to find myself flicking to the glossary to see if eating disorders or personality disorders are covered, and finding out what the authors view on a certain theory is.  Every theory works differently on each individual and it would be nice for a theorist to state that at some point, however, I'm still looking.

So as for a favourite I would have to say I don't have one book in particular, but I do prefer to read from an author who has actually experienced what they are talking about other than just from "professional" point of view.  

Rach x

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