Friday 19 September 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 23

Friday 19th September 2014

Day 23
What is your opinion on therapy?

I think if you are ready for therapy then it can work, but that's the key.  You have to want therapy.  I found through inpatient care and through some of my treatment as an outpatient it as been forced.  Which I have found now that I am ready is been used against me as I wouldn't participate in the past.

I've done a range of therapy both in a group setting and a 1:1.  These included art, person centered, Cognitive Behavior Therapy (CBT), Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT) and even forced to do art therapy.  Through my eating disorder treatment on the unit we also had dietetic advice and group to prepare us for the "outside world"

My experience hasn't been positive, and this is a reason why I am doing my counselling.  I always remember wishing the person sat in front of me had some experience other than just reading a book.  I remember asking so many people, do you actually know what it's like to be a young person living with a mental health issue the answer was always a stumbled "No, sorry I don't but I can imagine" to be honest I don't think anyone who has not en-counted mental health can come close to "imagining"

My experience as I wasn't ready left me angry, and wish there had been other ways of working but still being able to have that support outside the family.

Rach x

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