Thursday 25 September 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 28

Thursday 25th September 2014

Day 28
Explain a “bad” day

To me a bad day is a day when I can't cope.  I like to be on my own (which isn't a good things really) and I just let me mind run away with me.  My suicidal thoughts normally increase and the urge to self harm rises - sometimes to the extent I have to act on those thoughts because the fear of if I don't will mean that when I do act it could be 100 times worse.

With having BPD my mood can fluctuate quickly over a short amount of time, so when I'm on an extreme high - it's trying to prepare myself that a low will be pending.

I've taught myself well I think mainly because I feel I've had to with limited professional support, what I do use to help me through a bad day may in all honestly be frowned upon by others, but until I have the help I'm screaming out for I'm not going to know.

The main thing with a bad day is to remember when possible "tomorrow is another day" which is something I try my hardest to live by when things aren't feeling right.

Rach x

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