Sunday 7 September 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 11

Sunday 7th September 2014

Day 11:
What is the worst thing in regard to your mental illness(es)?

I think the worst thing for me is the stigma which people have seem to have when they found out about BPD.

Despite what I have been through when I need to ask professionally I do.  Sadly people believe that I would completely melt down, take on their problems and then if I felt like try and attack them.  Believe me this is not the case.

I struggle to see who I am without taking my diagnosis into account, so it helps when people let me know and see me when things are going downhill.  What hurts is when people use my diagnosis against me and believe they know me better than me.  For those of you who know the situation I am currently in you will see how this fits perfectly in to the worst thing!

I suppose with my anorexia the worst thing is not being able to go out with people who have never seen me eat.  The panic that comes over me is horrible.  I can now thankfully drink in front of people but even that took a while. 

When the worst things happen though it's important that I do remember the good things.  Tomorrow is always another day.

Rach x

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