Saturday 6 September 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 10

Saturday 6th September 2014

Day 10
What is the best thing in regards to your mental illness(es)?

The best thing I suppose is the friends I have made through my journey, the next best thing is the awareness raising I have been able to do around the issues which I have.  I have managed to built the confidence to be able to try and help ensure that at least one person doesn't have to go through the hell which I went through with services.

I have been able to help a lot of families which again is another good thing which has come from my journey.

Living with a mental health issues doesn't have to be all bad.  Once you start to understand and accept who you are things start to make sense you can at times see the positive side of mental health.  I often wonder if this didn't happen to me would I be as open minded to mental health as I am now?  I would like to think I would be.

Rachael x

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