Sunday 21 September 2014

30 Day Challenge - Day 25

Sunday 21st September 2014

Day 25
What is your opinion on forced mental health treatment? Can be legal (law enforcement or psychiatric holds) or a “helping” friend/family member


Ask me this when I'm unwell and you'll probably get a different answer!

At times these are needed, whether it is a section 2 (assessment for 28 days) or section 3 (up to 6 month holding period for treatment)  there are other sections which can be used which the police can enforce, but for the sake of long term psych treatment these are the most commonly used.

While I was ill I was held on a section 5(4) - (nurses holding power for up to 6hrs) and then on a 5(2) - (doctors holding power for up to 72hrs) I was assessed on a number of occasions but managed to someone how show I had capability and capacity.  If I'm honest looking back I should have been sectioned, but I'm also glad I didn't as in all honesty I think I'd be in a very different situation now.  

What I did find hard with forced care was on the occasions I was restrained, I think in all honestly it is a feeling which I will never be able to explain properly.  Getting pinned to the floor to "calm" someone down is awful and I think it's even harder when you hear someone else been restrained.  Having someone screaming in my face or having an episode in front of me I could someone deal with that better than either myself being restrained or hearing someone else being restrained.  Just thinking about it is bringing tears to my eyes, physically it doesn't hurt, it's not meant to but psychologically it's different, something which they never mentioned in restraint training for staff.

My nasal feed was an experience I should have hated, but in fact that tube became a friend.  It took the responsibility away of me having to eat and it was the nurses who were making me "fat".  Again I understand that tube feeds are at times needed and a life saving resource for many, as at the time it was for me.

My "helping" person was my parents while I was under 16 they had a lot of say of my care then that all changed on my 16th birthday and I suddenly had all this power over my own care.  My parents refused to bring me home after I collapsed and ended up in hospital and my stays just continued from there.  I've been honest with my parents and said if I ever needed hospital stay I would have to be sectioned to be put back in hospital, it is something which I don't want to have to relive.  I really do believe being in the community is a much better option for treatment for me.  I do not disbelieve for some people hospital treatment is needed and I would hate to put someone off from an inpatient stay if it is needed.  

I got to used to been in hospital and I really struggled to settle back in at home which has always upset me, as I really found it hard, it was my home and the place where I grew up but I just never felt right once I was back.  Which is a big reason why I was so desperate to move out and into my own place.

I don't mean to sound negative, and apologies if I've upset anyone reading this.

At times forced treatment IS needed, however, I do believe this should be looked at continually through treatment.

Rachael x

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