Saturday 31 July 2010

feeling comfortable =]

Saturday 31st July 2010
Last night was a very strange one! For once I felt comfortable with 'strangers' . . . okay yes i know i can't really call them strangers anymore but when you've spent so much time alone and isolated things do seem strange.
so last night i sat at the wdp quiz realising how lucky i was to be out with people, a while ago that would have freaked me out way to much, a lot of people, sitting down for about 3hrs but i actually realised how good it feels to be with people! i would have happily fell asleep on jayne!!
i feel like i have know them for longer it's so weird but i come home smiling whenever i'm with them all, the wdp lot are really like family and i'm the lickle baba!!!! =] way it should be hahaha!!!! it's a job with a difference and i love it.
my achievements last night made me so happy! I managed to sit with ppl who i didn't know but okay are friends with tom & co but still i worry that when i eat and drink the cameras will come out and facebook will be full of pictures with me eating with all the comments which i receieve when i eat when people who just see the stero typical image of anorexia, the people who are unable to see beyond what the media say!!
for once i'm able to be me =] the talkative me is coming back and i like it may annoy some people but five years of silence does something to a person!
x x x x x x x x

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