Tuesday 13 July 2010

start of my summer holidays and what a start

Tuesday 13th July 2010
Today it was final, I had completed a year of college my first year in 3 years! How i managed it, i really don't know but i'm glad i've done it.
It may not have ended how i would have liked it, but better than i could have expected - i left wanting to go home and just hurt myself, but my angel at the WDP saved me and allowed to me to go into work and it was the medication i needed! I was greated with smiles, hugs and a comfiting talk which made me realise starting work with the wdp was the best thing to do! I was scared the first time i went to look round have a chat and meet the staff, it's such a blur but now they are like a second family! Adults, adults who understand me it's great and they believe in my smile! (i hope those from work understand that bit!) i feel safe there, something i was scared i would never do with people i didn't know, but i can be me - i can shine and make people see my potential in life!
i will leave my sloppy blog here about my new found love for making a difference and for being wanted because i'm so determined to make a difference - i refuse to allow others to go through the system as badly as i have - i am a worthwhile person as i have been told a million times this afternoon and will mostly probably be told again and again! as much as i wish my illness had not come i'm glad it did as i can stand up and help others who may be to scared to fight
x x x x x

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