Saturday 17 July 2010

let the good times roll =p

Saturday 17th July 2010
the thought of going out for a drink once terroifed me, although it did last night too the sick feeling was not there. i realised looking round while i was drinking how normal it was to be sitting there with a friend and for once enjoying myself and for a couple of hours just been able to relax!
with the people i have met through work i decided that i would love to do something with them all for m birthday so it looks like planning will have to be done to help them celebrate the baby of the groups birthday, well in the office =p for once i was wanting to do something outside of the box with the safety and security of just my family, this year i have friends, it sounds so weird i know but these are people who i have not made through inpatients stays - dont get me wrong my buddies from units are fab and i wouldn't be able to cope without my best friend and dragging each other through!!
i was planning my future with hope and wanting to do it, wanting to be alive and setting my plans out for the future, yes i still want to do business management at uni but i want to use it to be able to set up something of my own to help others, although nothing could beat the work of the WDP it would be nice to transfer the skills i will learn from them and still be able to work with them in the future. when you look round the office and the building you see how much of a difference they are making to peoples lives - you walk into the showroom and see people proud of been able to find something which will make them that little bit more independant, although my role there is only temp i will be working my ass off to ensure that i prove how important having a ya is, someone there to speak for the younger people who are maybe to scared or not know how, how they should but thing across - for once my anorexia and the rest of my issues are doing good and not causing as much pain and suffering to my family, i still get nagged and reminded to eat and concerns over weight or lack of it depending on how you look at it - but now i'm more than just my anorexia for once i'm becoming a new rachael - seeing life is worth living, so like i say . . . let the good times roll!

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