Monday 12 July 2010

. . . . . . this is it =]

Monday 12th July 2010

About a 2 years ago today i sat in college watching a ucas talk from college, sat there thinking that in a yr i would be in uni able to get on with life with no one making me eat and i could live of nothing just be a student and live off basically my unhealthy obsession to be a perfectionist - i look back now and think what the hell was i playing at there is no way i would have made it through uni life!! I sat in the hall today bored out my skull you would never believe it, i had heard the talk but yet in the back of my head i was reflecting on the pst couple of dangerous years of my life! ucas was a dream i was never believed to have ever have had the chance to get to uni if i was still alive and now i'm sitting there that knowing this time next year i could be on my way i could hopefully be at uni more importantly on a better path of my life! Due to me sitting the rotation classes 2 yrs ago i was able to go home and just reflect on the presentation and the traumatic experience of writing my personal statment! those who know me will know that i have a certain font, size and way of doing things so new roman is a no no plus then having to be given draft after draft back will send me into an OCD perfectionist attack which is why i think the head of college is looking after mine! she can cope with my little paddies unlike some staff who look terrified when i fly off because my work was perfect when i did it and was just so and now it has unneeded bits of work which is in it but it was needed for me!!!

so i think back to what i have done and freak i dart to the college office like some mad ass fly and just flap about how much i haven't done i will be the worst applicant ucas will ever have and no one will ever want a crazy person with my history on their uni campus, i don't think it had helped that i'd annoyed myself over a certain diet suppliment and i realised how much of a crazy ass i was! i suppose my jealousy took over that people do diet and if i even mention the d word i'm screwed but hey there is a way to do it and well i'll stop here as i'll rant like a flipping prat and annoy everyone and myself!

i sit here now more determined to get to uni study business and get to where i want to be in life, teaching other people wheather this is children in schools or adults in a work place making them realise that life is a business and raising awareness is crucial, i hope that my business skills will help me run a successful company making the voices of everyone be heard or helping a business such as the WDP get the credit they deserve! my life is my future and for once i'm dreaming! i refuse to let those who have let me down keep dragging me back, my life is now x x x x x

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