Monday 3 December 2012

looks can be deceiving ...

Monday 3rd December 2012

It's been a while since I last blogged and thought it was about time that I got down to business!

Lots has been happening over the past couple of months.  the Journey Back to Life has had loads of exciting meetings to really get us moving properly.  At one point I feared that this project would go no were after been told this and knocked down so turning it round and proving people wrong has been fantastic.  It's hard but tell you what I'm glad I've made the step of doing this and I wouldn't change this, I just wish my close friend Dave Connor had been able to join forces with me and we could have challenged so many people together.  However I have his spirit moving me a long and watching over sam and myself.

There have been a number of talks done now both in and out of area and it's amazing that there is a look that so many people think you have to have in order to have a mental health issue.  I've been told over again that I can't have mental health because I'm pretty, confident, blonde and blue eyed! Seriously pretty, if I thought that then maybe I wouldn't have let bullies turn my life upside down and make me feel like crap to the point of attempted suicide, starvation and self harm, all for this attempt of being perfect.  All I ever wanted to do was fit in as a child and I took this to such an extreme, so much so I didn't fit in.

When I speak to people now who were in my year at school and who now themselves have mental health issues or were struggling at school with them didn't tell anyone because of the grief I got because I was "mental" it's alarming, and now it seems more a less talked about and okay to talk about in school.  Many young people don't get the option to openly talk about MH until I go in and when they come up and say something you can see the expression of relief on their face that they've told someone.  Having someone of a similar age is great for them, some organisations may like to think sending in a "adult" who has read a book or may have experienced something is a great idea but how can someone really relate to that age group if their issues started later on?

Journey Back to Life has already thought ahead I know when I'm older school children aren't going to want to listen to me they want another 20 year old to come and talk to them about how things have affected them. So many people want to grow up but I'm trying to catch up with every other 21 year old out there!  There are some things I'm glad I didn't do (been out on the streets at -4 is one of them, still don't see the appeal!)

A number of people have dragged me down and nearly led me back to the path of self destruction once again but I've pulled my way back up, I refuse to allow bullies to rule my life again and knock me down.  My Social Enterprise will be a success and will fight for it to be one.

I just want people to realise that there isn't a certain look for mental health.  The shock on people's faces when they realise I'm a self harmer is actually to the point laughable.  I have plans for sessions around perceptions and looks and to be honest I think it's going to be a great activity.  If I could go back to the 12 year old me and tell me what was going to become of my life I would laugh.  However, crazy as it sounds mental health might have been the worst but best thing that could have happened to me.

It's so important to not judge people so quickly.


Sunday 28 October 2012

Tick Tock

Sunday 28th October 2012

So it's the time of year where the clocks go back and I actually fear.  I was diagnosed with SAD in 2010 and I know this is the time of year which I have to be extra careful and watch myself a lot more than usual.

To me autumn winter = big heavy winter warmer meals, and I due put this fear down to the menu change when I was an inpatient.  I like being able to eat salads and butties in the winter but as an anorexic this is deemed unexceptionable and it should be high volumes of buttery mash potato with pies.  Yet if I was to eat this winter warmer in the summer nothing would be said about it!

I find it hard to sleep at the best of times so the hour back and this extra hour really does nothing for me!  All I can think it it's really 11:20 now and I could be doing this this and this.  It's trying to get things fixed into my routine as it always seems out of sink when the clocks are messed about.  However, I love losing an hour in the summer (always said I was strange!!)

I'm continuing to set up the Journey Back to Life ( and things are looking up with it.  I have some great advice from people who have been in charge of business or have high links within services and so I'm determined to make this work.

The past few months haven't really been the best for me, but some positive things have crept out of the darkness but yet I still struggle to find warmth in them.

While so many people are excited for the winter I can't wait for spring to come already!  My knees have started to ache (grrr) I was talking to a friend who I was an inpatient with and looking back it's all well and good saying that I wished I'd have listened but at the time I was far to ill to listen to anyone, this is just something that I have to be able to learn from and help others to realise the consequences of anorexia.

I can't wait to have a fully fledged working business/charity/ social enterprise what ever we finally decide to be but the point is what I've learnt from my journey is massive.  I was given no hope at all to even been classed as in recovery I was always told I would just learn to live in my own little inpatient world with no hope of a decent life.  Well i've proven all those people wrong, yes I still have bad times but I admit to them and for once I learn from them and allow myself to work out where things started to slip so I can hopefully not have to go through anything like that again.

My biggest step has recently been took by leaving something behind which was causing lots of problems and turning me back into the person I didn't recognise.

Moving forward in a positive way is scary but it's so worth it!

Rach xxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 8 September 2012

Relapse is part of Recovery

Saturday 8th September 2012

The famous saying of "relapse is part of recovery" is making me realise that actually it is true.

I'm probably at my worst mood wise I have been for a while but it's took me until last week to openly admit that things weren't good.  A doctors appointment for swollen glands led to a break down and an admittance of a new episode of self harm, most probably the worse I have done in a number of years, thankfully it's going down but for once I'm looking after it in an attempt for it not to scar.

I knew my recovery wouldn't be easy but I didn't think it would get me to this point now.  In 2009 these feelings led to 2 suicide attempts, this time I've actually spoken to people and feel much better for doing so, although guilty as I hate people worrying about it, which makes no sense really.

I know there is a point where I will turn myself back around and appreciate what I have going on.  I've heard all sorts of lovely news one which I can't say but that news made me cry with happy tears because it felt like a long fight had been won.

On Tuesday it was my Great Gran's 102nd birthday so I wonder did that date possibly set things off I know it's a trigger for me but I felt a bit more in control than what I did in a while.

Been whittled down to this person now makes me want to come out stronger.  I have journey back to life to think about, my friends and family - I look forward to finding my way back up, I'm just releaved that I spotted it rather than letting it carry on to something which could have been much uglier.

Rach xxx

Monday 6 August 2012

Is this serious?

Monday 6th August 2012

As many if you would he seen via Facebook I've made reference to the new fad diet know as the "drip diet"

Basically this involves a nasal gastric tube (NGT) being inserted via someone's nose, down their throat and into the stomach.

NGT are normally used as a last resort for many to help gain weight for example prem babies, cancer patients and from personal experience those who have an eating disorder.

However a doctor has thought up a great way of making money by selling the NGT as a way of losing weight! Starve yourself basically for 10 - 15 days and be drip fed 100 - 800 calories a day. An anorexic dream most probably in many cases however celebrities are using this new method to get into dresses and brides to be are also using it! It's shocking that weight is making such a focus.

NGT have their dangers and so does starvation in such a drastic way. My experience with it was negative min you what anorexic I hear you ask wants to be force fed anyway? I don't mean it like that I mean it tore my stomach lining, it was thought thy had punctured one of my organs and it left me with severe acid reflux worse of all I still have days I wish it was still there the ease of not having to eat and relying on a tube and a bag of fluid to most there is no appeal.

I remember begging for my NGT to be put back in when eating got tough but it's not the answer and I'm aware of that. I'm glad I can make myself eat now but the thoughts around that process are still there!

If I could live a full functioning life without eating I would but I can't I want to live and food is what helps me to do that! I've had to build a new relationship with food and learn to deal with situations like many people with anorexia may tell you it's like a new relationship with anything it's the trust factor.

I feel sorry for those who will resort to this drip diet as in a way it's creating a new generation of eating disorders. As a nation we're encouraging healthy eating but this isn't what we wanted!

You can eat crisps and chocolate but in moderation! I always tell the people I speak to that don't deprive yourselves life is way to short!

I hope you can see my point of view on this I really do!

Well back to the wolves match!


Sunday 1 July 2012

To a very special friend ....

Sunday 1st July 2012

On Wednesday we heard the sad news that a beloved friend had passed away. The news got to everyone at WDP, we're still in shock and I'm wondering when the news will sink in properly or of it ever will.

The last person I lost deeply close to me was my grannynanny who will be with me forever not just in my head and heart but also with the tattoo on my back. I couldn't keep my promise to her to stay well at the time but I want to be able to do Dave proud and keep up with everything.

Work became a hard place to be in due to the fact myself and Dave had been made redundant on the same day but the difference was I still had some hours while Dave was just counting down the days till he could start his business.

Dave was so special to me and so many people it still doesn't seem really. It's hard to talk about him at home as no one here knows him. I constantly feel nub and unable to talk, it's horrible!

We partied hard on Friday night on dave's memory getting in bars through the back entrance while laughing and joking about mr Connor himself. Drinks all round and dancing galore! Haha!

Me and rach stayed over at a travel lodge and had a chat the following morning. Rach knew Dave far longer than I did but we both share the same thoughts about him! (other than the selfish Bugga going before he bought us all around)

Dave you will never be forgotten, these feelings I'm hoping will move on. We all cope with death in different ways but we are all pulling together.

RIP Mr Connor! You got your wish a blog about you! This was going to happen in August when you had carried the flame! You will most probably we holding it high while you watch over us.


Thursday 21 June 2012

What do you think when ...

Thursday 21st June 2012

I say self harm? Does it send a shiver down your spine and the word attention seeker pops into your head or are you a little more sympathetic?

Self harm has been a part of my life for more than I can remember but throughout the time the stigma has never seemed to change! Thankfully No Secrets is around now something which wasn't when mine began.

At the moment I'm currently struggling with my self harming due to emotions which seem to be way out of control but believe it or not self harm at the times doesn't hurt. I go into this zone but for those moments after my thoughts are on the physical pain and sorting out the cuts.

I suppose my self harm also comes through my eating. Restricting my diet again brings back a pain which I sense differently my anorexia will probably be always there some may recover fully but I personally believe I never will I will learn to manage.

If you get offered the No Secrets training then do it, it will open your eyes into our world.

Some people have a glass of wine to get over a shit day others may smoke more than usual I cut and restrict my diet. However my methods are socially still unacceptable while smoking and drinking is fine.

I've lost people because they can't bare the thought of me hurting myself and wish I would talk but in a strange way my self harm is me talking.

My starvation is often seen more socially acceptable and I do believe that's the media or journalists who think being skinny is the best thing ever. When in fact it's being happy.

Some of the most lovely people I have met in hospital but yet I much prefer them now ... I like my happy healthier friends, I like hearing that they're living life finally despite not seeing them everyday or seeing them once a hospital admission has ended but what's important is that we still contact each other on those bad days to check its okay and not a sign of worse things to come.

All I have to say is ask if you don't understand, I have mental health issues I'm not a monster.

I thank everyone who has supported me throughout my journey :)) you know I love you all xxxxxxxxxxxx

Saturday 2 June 2012

times of change ...

Saturday 2nd June 2012 11:33am It's strange how you can have a few weeks of what feel like shit and then something comes along and changes your out look on life. May was not exactly the best month, however, it made me realise that maybe things weren't as perfect as I really thought, but more importantly how I could change them. I felt my mood drop but then it's started to lift again and I've finally started to feel like me again. My media work has picked up again and as of yesterday, is running. I've signed up onto the business program and things seem to be a bit more real, especially when my business cards arrived literally 30 minutes ago. It was a sad moment on Thursday when I realised it was the last day of the YA project. I suppose I promised to see the project out and that's what I've done. Anorexia as played a huge part in my life, who I am and who I have become and becoming. Having flowers bought for me the other day as a surprise was so lovely and I felt special, but special not because of my mental health! The past few months have made part of me remember that relapse is part of recovery, I'm going to have moments when I don't want to eat or moments when I feel that the only outcome is to self harm. But I have realised I can't let it build up to what it did. Yes I hate the fact that I resorted back to cutting myself the other week, but for once I'm finally realising the reasons why, it was just like the saying "the straw that broke the camels back" everything was building up around me I felt suffocated and enclosed in my little bubble again, and that bubble for the time was keeping me safe. I know self harm is a scary thing and something which a lot of people really don't understand the stigma attached is HUGE ... MASSIVE in fact but I'm determined to have another year, two, three, four and onwards without it being my resort to coping, but it's hard and that person who has bounced into my life I really hope they see that this is me trying - relapse is part of recovery, and I look forward to a future where anorexia may be in my life but it will be me giving other people the inspiration to move on and see that anorexia doesn't have to dominate there life. It's a horrible thing to have attached to you and yes that grip is hard to get rid of my it's worth it. I'm not going to lie, I still have struggles with food BUT I take them in my stride, my quirky eating habits are part of me just like my other quirky ways. There is no point in standing still and letting the world move around me, I have do move around with the world as sometimes what you want isn't always what you get but what you get might be better than what you have got. Lets see what happens over the next few month, I suppose it can only go down or keep on going up ... I know which one I want it to be. Rachael xxxxx

Tuesday 22 May 2012

On way down to London ...

Tuesday 22nd May 2012

So here it is the day I go Lorraine probably one of the most watched morning programs!

It's weird really I never felt this sick when I was going down to do this morning I'm guessing it was because I was going on my own and it was a whole new exciting journey!

My life now seems to dominate around the world of anorexia and body image thankfully for positive reasons now to help combat the stigma and view around those who suffer. I actually see my future working with those people who have the illness and hopefully providing hope to those who may believe there is a never a chance out of it.

My counselling course started and I'm loving it probably too much, but I don't want to be like the ones I've had in the past, the one I am currently seeing is brilliant but I'm wondering if it's because I actually want to be there?

So the past month has been pretty shocking really! I found out my YA role at WDP is going due to funding which means the young persons work I have done around disability will stop. I have agreed to finish out the talks which are already pending so not to let the schools down or as many as possibly can with the support from wdp which I know I will have.

This has led to the decisions of making a way for my own future so I'm currently looking at setting up my own venture I suppose it's going to be trail and error it may or may not work out but if I don't try then I'll never know and I can't keep up with this defeatist attitude (of which I was reminded today by someone extremely special to me and who I'm lucky to have in my life)

My year of no self harming came to an end with the news of my job and also because of other personal reasons but I've decided to see this as a positive and to work with it! It's no longer a dirty secret anymore I can speak to people whether they understand it or not and I have no secrets to thank for that

So here I am sitting or more like squashed on a train something which I've managed to avoid since passing my driving test! Feeling sick and remembering why I'd rather not use it! I blame my OCD, at least I'm sat next to my mum and not some randomer who stinks to high heaven of piss!

On a lighter note I was told I have a nervous tic today, which has apparently resulted from my anorexia, so you can imagine the banter I've had from my dad! Also my "baby" brother celebrated his 19th birthday - he seems to have come out more normal than me!

Well I shall leave it here and hopefully you will watch Lorraine tomorrow!

Rach xxx

Monday 30 April 2012


Monday 30th April 2012 19:13pm So, today is the day my story is re-launched into the media light. I still don't understand how I can personally do it and stay so calm. The reason for my story this time is airbrushing, or should I say to Ban airbrushing. To be honest, even I know this is a hard thing to do, but maybe putting it across as this hard hitting will get people talking and make people realise that actually if it really is impossible to ban then to have set rules, a logo or something to make impressionable people realise that these images are infact not real. The person in that image is being fausly advertised to the public on how they should or shouldn't look. Airbrushing to me is a hard one, I understand why people do it but think that the extent which they do it at times is far to much. It knocks me sick to think that the picture comes out often not looking like the person who has walked into the room. Is their no such thing as natural beauty? Anorexia is still very much misunderstood and you can see that from the comments which have been made by the public under the article which I will put on here after a long with the petition. I still find myself looking over the negative comments and the anorexia voice telling me that I should go back or I should look thinner I should be thinner but in all honestly that's not possible and I can't allow myself to go back there, I really can't. My life has changed round so much, my bad days are the good days I had when I was so poorly, it's strange to think that this time in 2009 I was trying to pick myself up from the pathetic 4 and a half stone which I was. I was weak, tired and really wasn't the person I wanted to be. Yet my anorexia had a massive hold me, something which I couldn't shake off or let go of. Tomorrow I share my story to the nation I will find my self sat at Media City in Salford. Tom is coming with me, mainly because I know it might help him develop contacts and have a look at the equipment etc, but on a note just to have him there, he's never been with me when I've done any work like this so I suppose it will show him another side of me, other than just what he sees on the telly! I will leave you with the link to the Daily Mail and also the link to the epetition. Love and hugs Rachael xxxxx

Sunday 15 April 2012

Time Passes by....

Sunday 15th April 2012

Last week I celebrated 25 years of marriage for my mum and dad, how they have put up with each other and the shit which I have put them thorough I will never know! On their anniversary in 2007 it was the first time I was NG fed 11th April @ 11:46am, why do I remember this, because I felt more guilty that I was being forced fed on a day which mum and dad celebrated, the first time in a long time I felt guilty for having anorexia. However when lunched arrived at 12:15 those feelings went and my hatred for food returned when a cheese butty was plonked in front of me having just had 1200 calories in fortijuice put into my body thorough my nose.

That first NG feed however then got me hooked, I could gain weight without it being my fault but the nurses or those who were putting those calories into my body. 5 years later and the fear of having a tube stuck down my nose scares me, however if it meant I could have the nourishment in my body and never have to feel guilty for eating again I would do.

I'm meant to be having a check up on my acid reflux however, I can't put myself through the torture of having a camera shoved up my nose, the flash back I have even just thinking about it is enough.

Time passes by and if I hadn't have got myself sorted I would never have met tom, and be in the place which I am now. I may still resent food and wish there was another way of being able to maintain weight without having to eat but logically that can't happen. I know that.

5 years ago I was extremely poorly and allowed my anorexia to dominate my life, if was a scream in my head which was always there. Now it's a small whisper which I can most of the time ignore, which means yes I time I will allow it to win but sometimes it's safer to do that strangely enough.

2012 sees me trying to enjoy life and getting back to finding out the who I am. I don't want to be the person I was before I was ill as she was a push over and allowed people to get away with so much. I have to leave people in the past or behind with the old Rachael as I can't afford to have certain individuals as part of my future to make me vulnerable and open to the grips of my anorexia.

Time passes by and I will be the person I want to be, I can't wait to be a mummy and pass on life experience to my own children but make sure they love who they are and not make the mistakes which I did, I would feel so guilty if they picked up on my thoughts and feeling about my own body image so I have years to sort my self out.

Life is precious and I'm slowly starting to realise that xxxxx

Sunday 26 February 2012

What a wonderful world ...

Sunday 26th February 2012

6 years ago I lost one of the most precious people in my life. My Great Gran. To be perfectly honest, I wonder if people actually know how close I was to her. 6 years ago was probably when my anorexia really took over, I had already been struggling secretly for just over a year and had a CAMHS appointment due but suddenly losing control and being unable to help her keep on going was horrible. I would say the last couple of times I saw her was horrible and I hated leaving her, knowing that she didn't have much longer to live.

February to me has become a month I fear. I fear that those closest to me will leave me. My Grandad died in February when I was 6 years old but then I didn't really understand the situation. February is also the month in 2009 when I was desperate to really end my life. I really had by this time had enough. I often wonder if I had succeeded in my wish how differenced things would be now? I've been told before that if I really wanted to die then I would have succeeded but those are the people who really don't understand what it's really like. Those few weeks of my life are a complete blank and it still scares me.

My blog is titled "what a wonderful world" as it was played at my Great Gran's funeral. I never realised how much she actually loved that song, but it probably explains why she managed to watch Madeline as the song is in it!

Today I found myself at first feeling slightly sorry for myself, grief is different for so many people. I hate it when people just tell me to buck up - my whole life was turned around on this date and I hate the fact that I actually let it still wriggle away at me. I was able for once to sort of enjoy my day without actually feeling guilty. I got to see Rach and her beautiful baby boy Lewis (who I can't believe seems to get bigger and bigger and he just proves how important life is, I want that feeling to be a mum and to put all my love and care into a person, watch them grow and now that I've helped create who they have become) I then went to the grave side (in a bit of a catch 22, I was a complete mess coming away but then I would have kicked myself for not going if I'd just left it) Mum has gone out to Chester to see Phillip and Dad was watching Liverpool and to be perfect honest home isn't really the place I wanted to be, thankfully Jayne had offered her company if I needed it, so I took her up on it and we watched a film and then she made me a quirky version on Shepard's pie (vegetarian meatballs as they had no vegetarian mince in!) it was nice though! lol

It's took me 6 years to really start to keep to the promise I made to my Grannynanny, but the fact is I'm now doing her. I hope I make her proud, I really believe she is my guardian angel and has held my hand through everything.

Here is to the future and the hope that one day February might just bring me a special day to remember for a happy reason.

Rach xxx

Monday 30 January 2012

Jibber Jabber ...

Monday 30th January 2012

What a day!

Found myself having a bit of a hectic morning which put me in a hectic mood! I don't think it has helped that I'm trying to take myself off my anxiety tablets (my magic pink tablet!) I don't have to take them but since my driving test(s) I found myself in a bit of a mess, so I've thought that now I have passed I need to start coming back off them.

I've just been on a high all day! I've annoyed myself, so god knows how other people have felt. It is a good sign but I prefer it when I'm nice and steady in the middle! I really think I should plan my mornings so they are slower! It's okay when I'm in a school as all my energy goes on encouraging the young people to ask questions. However in an office environment not always the best but tell you what though got a load of work done!

I've got a lot of school visits due and meeting have been really productive. I've started Brownie Leading, something to get involved in and working with young people in another environment. Plus I'm getting to meet new adults as well through it.

All the preperation for Disability Awareness Day (DAD) has started, although I really don't think it every stops, it's always in the back of everyone's mind! I've only been at WDP for nearly 2 years and you know when the work is starting. I'm looking forward to working on the PULSE again this year, and trying to get some mascots to come and start the race off - so if you know of any mascots let me know ...

Things do seem to be on the up though, I had a really positive weekend and got some really exciting things to look forward to. I'm taking my nan out for her birthday on friday into liverpool :D

Leaving it here I think!

Rach xxx

Monday 16 January 2012

New Year!

Monday 16th January 2012

Only realised before how long it had been since I last blogged!

So here we go!

December was full of tests and trials with it being the festive season. Christmas is one of those times when all I do is seem to panic and feel ill. It's the month when people seem to indulge and the one which I seem to restrict and then in January I have to try and brig myself back up again.

However, this year I made an effort, I actually managed to try and keep my eating as normal as possible! I actually was able to eat on Christmas Day! Okay it wasn't a proper 3 course meal but the point is I sat at the table and had a bowl of soup (with bread) - my leg had a mind of it's own under the table and wouldn't stop shaking but I could tell how proud my family where of the fact that I'd managed to have something on Christmas Day. The day when I completely fast had turned around and I was sort of enjoying the day!

December also brought round my driving test, my FINAL driving test as I passed! (thank god) I also started my pass plus and completed it at the beginning of this month. So I am finally legal to drive my beautiful Dora round on my own without the need of an escort! Being on a provisional license felt like I was back on a 1:1 in hospital! lol, every moved been looked at or assessed!

My driving test made Christmas much more bearable to knowledge of being able to just get in my car and go if things got too much and she has become my little safe heaven, and it's mine :)

2012 was welcomed in with dodgy dancing in Ambleside with Tom, Jayne, Beany, Vicky, Ste, Doreen and Derek. It was a lovely weekend break and the walks around were definitely needed to get rid of those cob webs!

My anorexia did spend some moments with me, as usual on New Year in 2005 was when she really did start to appear and by 2007 she had taken over my entire mind. Honestly, I would lose all this weight so quickly but what I have now is not worth losing. For once I'm really content with how things are going. I can now see when I'm having a bad week or whatever and if I can't then someone will pull me to one side and give me a smack (not literally, but I bet at times people want to!)

I have faced the fact that recovery is still a while off, especially with how I think still about 30% of the time. Especially at this time of year, when the top New Years Resolution seems to be "lose weight" "diet" ... when yes my little anorexia side is jumping round with glee at this thought Rachael is thinking "please don't slip back"

Work has been busy as usual, especially with taking on the extra hours with the admin work. I have to admit I was worried if it would effect me, but to be honest I've loved every minute. I've actually felt normal, I've been working at WDP for nearly 2 years (longest job ever without relapsing)

So what does 2012 look like for a recovering anorexic? Other than hectic! I believe this could be the year I finally make a proper difference. I'm finally focussing on my future, I actually see a future and can't wait to live it. Being a YA has opened so many doors, and I'm actually able to help other people with similar issues to myself and try and help them see a life without an eating disorder or at least allowing the grip with their eating disorder has on them to be loosened so that they can have the control back.

I wasn't supposed to see 2012 and I'm so made up I have.
