Monday 30 April 2012


Monday 30th April 2012 19:13pm So, today is the day my story is re-launched into the media light. I still don't understand how I can personally do it and stay so calm. The reason for my story this time is airbrushing, or should I say to Ban airbrushing. To be honest, even I know this is a hard thing to do, but maybe putting it across as this hard hitting will get people talking and make people realise that actually if it really is impossible to ban then to have set rules, a logo or something to make impressionable people realise that these images are infact not real. The person in that image is being fausly advertised to the public on how they should or shouldn't look. Airbrushing to me is a hard one, I understand why people do it but think that the extent which they do it at times is far to much. It knocks me sick to think that the picture comes out often not looking like the person who has walked into the room. Is their no such thing as natural beauty? Anorexia is still very much misunderstood and you can see that from the comments which have been made by the public under the article which I will put on here after a long with the petition. I still find myself looking over the negative comments and the anorexia voice telling me that I should go back or I should look thinner I should be thinner but in all honestly that's not possible and I can't allow myself to go back there, I really can't. My life has changed round so much, my bad days are the good days I had when I was so poorly, it's strange to think that this time in 2009 I was trying to pick myself up from the pathetic 4 and a half stone which I was. I was weak, tired and really wasn't the person I wanted to be. Yet my anorexia had a massive hold me, something which I couldn't shake off or let go of. Tomorrow I share my story to the nation I will find my self sat at Media City in Salford. Tom is coming with me, mainly because I know it might help him develop contacts and have a look at the equipment etc, but on a note just to have him there, he's never been with me when I've done any work like this so I suppose it will show him another side of me, other than just what he sees on the telly! I will leave you with the link to the Daily Mail and also the link to the epetition. Love and hugs Rachael xxxxx


  1. Well done on your appearance on BBC today Rachel. You put across a well-argued point about airbrushing and the effects it can have on young people. Perhaps like the mascara adverts having to include disclaimers about enhancements, I think your argument for a logo denoting airbrushing in an advert/feature is a fine idea. As for Carol Malone, you left her with no leg to stand on. I hope your recovery continues well.

  2. Well done on your appearance on BBC today Rachel. You put across a well-argued point about airbrushing and the effects it can have on young people. Perhaps like the mascara adverts having to include disclaimers about enhancements, I think your argument for a logo denoting airbrushing in an advert/feature is a fine idea. As for Carol Malone, you left her with no leg to stand on. I hope your recovery continues well.

  3. As a mum with a daughter struggling with anorexia I have to say a huge 'thank you' for appearing on BBC Breakfast this morning. You were an inspiration. Good luck with your petition.

  4. Rach, I saw you on BBC breakfast this morning and think you did exceptionally well. I've signed your e-petition and have tracked you down to pledge my support! I'm a graphic designer and think this is such an important issue! Well done, you're an inspiration!!!

  5. Well done Rachel, don't forget to utilize your twitter account to reinforce your statement though. There are masses of people who will support you. Indeed you have whole life on front of you to do that and I am sure you can't wait to do loads of other stuff outside of your quest. Good luck with everything.

  6. As before, saw you on BBC Breakfast. I also run a blogspot site, and was inspired to write a little thing. I hope it's okay:

    If there is anything I can do to help the cause, then just drop me an e-mail at:


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