Saturday 8 September 2012

Relapse is part of Recovery

Saturday 8th September 2012

The famous saying of "relapse is part of recovery" is making me realise that actually it is true.

I'm probably at my worst mood wise I have been for a while but it's took me until last week to openly admit that things weren't good.  A doctors appointment for swollen glands led to a break down and an admittance of a new episode of self harm, most probably the worse I have done in a number of years, thankfully it's going down but for once I'm looking after it in an attempt for it not to scar.

I knew my recovery wouldn't be easy but I didn't think it would get me to this point now.  In 2009 these feelings led to 2 suicide attempts, this time I've actually spoken to people and feel much better for doing so, although guilty as I hate people worrying about it, which makes no sense really.

I know there is a point where I will turn myself back around and appreciate what I have going on.  I've heard all sorts of lovely news one which I can't say but that news made me cry with happy tears because it felt like a long fight had been won.

On Tuesday it was my Great Gran's 102nd birthday so I wonder did that date possibly set things off I know it's a trigger for me but I felt a bit more in control than what I did in a while.

Been whittled down to this person now makes me want to come out stronger.  I have journey back to life to think about, my friends and family - I look forward to finding my way back up, I'm just releaved that I spotted it rather than letting it carry on to something which could have been much uglier.

Rach xxx

1 comment:

  1. Stay strong - you are such a wonderful inspiration to others and you have raids much more awareness about this and disability in general. Your schools work is amazing and your business is developing. Keep up your fantastic work. Xx


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