Sunday 21 November 2010

Blood Brothers

Sunday 21st November 2010

Blood Brothers is my ultimate favourite musical going. The atmosphere is always brilliant and I never get bored watching it.

So, mum and me got the train from Sankey to Liverpool to meet up with my nan. Its our tradition, it's normally the three of us that go. We talked about past times we had been to see it either in Liverpool or Manchester and of course got on to talk about the time mum took me back to Warrington hospital because I refused to eat the samosa and Freddie frog which she had bought me for tea, but it was loaded with calories despite it being the lowest available option at the time, and well the Freddie frog was basically to piss them off for making me buy the food in the first place!!

So as usual, we went out for tea, I'd been sat down already for about 4 hours so wasn't exactly thrilled to be sitting down and eating. However, mum and nan made the entire thing bearable even though I thought I was just going to burst into tears at any point!! Normally the menu has limited vegetarian options - I like this, limited options limited panic, however, I don't think I'd even seen so many vegetarian options and stuck to my decision while mum and nan um and arghed over what they wanted and kept changing their mind. I hate making decisions especially over food!

Yes I can eat with my nan, one of the limited members of my family I can eat with - why? because she used to come up for meals out with mum. She knows what to say, what not to say and basically is used to my weird little habits. The people I chose to eat with now, well it takes time for me to do it as I strongly believe that they will stare, but it's not been to bad, they just accept I eat slightly weird and that's the end of it, I've got issues with food, but I've got people who I know well so used to me not eating that is how I keep it as the fear of them commenting is really high, although I know they know better not to, I just can't put myself in that situation or at risk where I refuse to eat at all.

Mum always has her little chats with me after, just to make sure I'm okay and not in to much of a flap sitting in a restaurant with what seems like millions of people all trying to have a good stare at what I'm eating!! Her little chats help and it's just like our normal routine to make me realise that I have made another step.

So I had an eventful day, managed to keep myself calm with the thanks and help to a couple of my tablets and of course the mother and grandma!!

So today will hopefully bring a trip to Warrington for some Christmas shopping and hopefully a routine trip to Starbucks as normal to keep me warm =p!!!!

x x x x x x x x x x x x x x

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