Sunday 9 January 2011

Kenneth Tong - Managed Anorexia = Bullshit!

Sunday 9th January 2011

Well you have all probably noticed the mention of Big Brother's Kenneth Tong on facebook or twitter. Why? This complete idiot is basically saying that anorexia can be managed and is fine to have, just like having an extra nipple!

Anorexia cannot be managed, it is a horrible illness to have. No matter how much you think you are in control, you're really not. I spent years believing I was managing my anorexia, and I know now how stupid that really is to have honestly believed. My anorexia nearly took my life and has taken lives of males and females for generations.

The line "nothing taste better as skinny feels" is just complete crap! I wasted my teenage years bowing down to the voice in my head. Now that I am able to eat without that voice (well most of the time) I can see that food actually isn't this evil thing, it's the eating disorder.

What he doesn't understand is how he will be affecting the lives of so many people. People have tweeted to say that their friends who are anorexic have actually stopped eating due to his tweets. He will end up killing someone, and I hope he gets done for it and it makes him realise what the crap coming out of his mouth is actually doing.

What he doesn't realise is that no professional will ever agree with him, medics will just laugh at him. The amount of people who hospitals see each year due to eating disorders is shocking, it does take control of you.

Anorexia is a medical diagnose. If you are anorexic you are ill! This goes off mind frame and normally weight for anorexia, questionnaires are given out and filled in constantly.

This small minded man is leading vulnerable males and females into self hating and not been able to love who they are - inside and out.

Gaining weight for me is scary and probably will be for a long time, but that's part of recovery. I do media work and blogs for this reason to try and prevent people going down the long dark road of eating disorders. Being a size 0 isn't healthy unless you are naturally like that - there are some people who are and that has to be accepted. However, when you go past the size 0 mark, what happens then? Wearing children's clothes of baggy clothes with belts is not nice, your self conscious. I remember having a set of school pants for an 11 year old, so the fear of the label coming out or been seen was not nice. There is a time with the illness when you want people to know that you're a size 0 or whatever but then it gets embarrassing, how can you possible say you're overweight when you're in children's clothes at the age of 15 or older?

Kenneth Tong needs to see what anorexia actually does to everyone involved not just the person with the ED but also the family and friends around them.

Life improves when you are ready to start battling the eating disorder, I have energy, I have a boyfriend, I can create relationships I a lot easier, I do not have as many health problems and I can finally appreciate what I have around me.

I do not want anorexia to be my identity - I want Rachael to be the identity, I don't want to be Tom's girlfriend who has anorexia, I want to be Rachael, Tom's girlfriend. I am getting there and I refuse for people such as Kenneth Tong to start walking me back down the path into the dark and unable to see the light.

I hope that those who read this will help to keep on raising awareness around anorexia and fighting the people who think the illness is a good thing, I thought I was going to lose one of my friends at the beginning of last year and advice for Kenneth Tong be careful, you will at some point regret what you are saying and how you are influencing not just young people but the entire population!

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