Tuesday 1 March 2011

MRI Scan ... me ... what!?

Tuesday 1st March 2011

This morning, I had my first talk at Sankey High around anorexia. It was weird and I've never felt so nervous but excited. I was in the building talking about the illness which developed and thrived while I was there. I had so much support there though which was good but I was determined not to accept the help which they offered, the journey of perfection was awaiting me.

The assembly went well, and I loved every minute, it was hard seeing some of the younger ones who were in the primary school as was at and also know on a personal level. I was so worried about how actually hearing what I'd been through! So I made sure that I managed to speak to them before they had to head off to lessons!!

After the assembly I had my own appointment I had to go to, around the same thing which I was standing up and talking about. My appointment was another hit home and how much my anorexia had actually damaged my body. I have been on medication for a long time now, to help with my depression, sleeping and anxiety. As much good as this medication is it also has its downsides, what professionals like to call side affects. The side affect of mine could possible be the twitches and spasms my legs seem to decide to have. It comes to something when your reflexes are described as being too good!! The doctor decided that I should have an MRI scan to make sure that it's nothing more than my medication. It's scary to think that I've got to go through it all. I really hoped the anorexia had done it's damage to me while I was so ill but I forgot about what could happen after.

I knew I could possibly have the onset of osteoporosis but I'd always been told that, however, I was never warned about an MRI scan. I want to just live my life but I understand how that won't just happen over night, I always knew that.

I have another assembly tomorrow at Sankey and then it's up to the school to ensure that they have the support in place to help the pupils in the school who may be going through something similar ... I'm sure we'll find out soon!!

Right then I will leave this here!

Thanks to all of you who read this and to those who re post it on their walls, it's weird to hear about all the people who are reading it!



  1. Hey, I was in the assembly today and hunted your blog down as soon as possible! I think your really inspirational and hope to work with disabled people in the future. Thank you for making me more motivated to do that by talking in assembly :D

  2. Thanks! I hope it wasn't too hard to find!! I'm glad you got something out of the assembly, make sure you get your name down somewhere then or if you want a chat or anything let me know x


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