Friday 23 September 2011

support ...

Friday 23rd September 2011

The best few weeks have been crazy, I don't think I've ever had so many emotions which I've had to deal with while I've been in recovery. Normally I would stop eating completely not just miss a few meals or start to self harm. It helped a lot I suppose, but recently I suppose I've learnt how to use the support around me.

I've finally realised the power of talking to my support network! A lot of people whether they want to admit it or not do not understand mental health and how important attachments are within relationships. You know what you will get of each person and understand a lot more the help which they are offer you. It maybe deemed as unhealthy to many people over the relationships I have or who I choose to talk to but trust is a major issue. I personally find it hard to get on with new people, it's the uncertainty of what they will do or how they act to my problems I may come across rude but it's something which as you get to know me why I am that way at first.

The past couple of weeks I suppose I had a bit of a role reversal which was a shock to the system, I become the therapist for a weekend. However it helped me understand how important having people around are and giving back the time which people have spent with me when I've been so low.

Having people around it so important and it's important for those who may be trapped in a system that when they finally see the light and come out the support is there despite how hard it is to admit that you have been wrong. A humans it's something which we are prone to do but the benefits come back to you. People become more open and realise what they have thought is actually wrong and simply because of the place which they were in. However, it's also important not to forget the people on the outside getting worried about those who may have been in trouble without realising, it's giving support when relief finally is able to escape and a nightmare which friends and family may have been in can make the person struggling pull through.

Anyone can experience mental health issues, it's not the weak and the vulnerable but it's also the people who may come across as strong and untouchable. It annoys me when people are stigmatised due to who they are.

I wish I could track my mood in a graph on a daily basis, it would be interesting to see when the mood dips start to hit and how I could possibly come out of them. Life is a strange thing, something which I know and probably many other know how precious it is but yet we choose to do strange things with it.

Support is important and you have to take it, even if you are really not wanting it, take it, that hug or chat or kiss on the head can make a big difference to a day.

Something to think about ....


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