Monday 6 August 2012

Is this serious?

Monday 6th August 2012

As many if you would he seen via Facebook I've made reference to the new fad diet know as the "drip diet"

Basically this involves a nasal gastric tube (NGT) being inserted via someone's nose, down their throat and into the stomach.

NGT are normally used as a last resort for many to help gain weight for example prem babies, cancer patients and from personal experience those who have an eating disorder.

However a doctor has thought up a great way of making money by selling the NGT as a way of losing weight! Starve yourself basically for 10 - 15 days and be drip fed 100 - 800 calories a day. An anorexic dream most probably in many cases however celebrities are using this new method to get into dresses and brides to be are also using it! It's shocking that weight is making such a focus.

NGT have their dangers and so does starvation in such a drastic way. My experience with it was negative min you what anorexic I hear you ask wants to be force fed anyway? I don't mean it like that I mean it tore my stomach lining, it was thought thy had punctured one of my organs and it left me with severe acid reflux worse of all I still have days I wish it was still there the ease of not having to eat and relying on a tube and a bag of fluid to most there is no appeal.

I remember begging for my NGT to be put back in when eating got tough but it's not the answer and I'm aware of that. I'm glad I can make myself eat now but the thoughts around that process are still there!

If I could live a full functioning life without eating I would but I can't I want to live and food is what helps me to do that! I've had to build a new relationship with food and learn to deal with situations like many people with anorexia may tell you it's like a new relationship with anything it's the trust factor.

I feel sorry for those who will resort to this drip diet as in a way it's creating a new generation of eating disorders. As a nation we're encouraging healthy eating but this isn't what we wanted!

You can eat crisps and chocolate but in moderation! I always tell the people I speak to that don't deprive yourselves life is way to short!

I hope you can see my point of view on this I really do!

Well back to the wolves match!
